Bad girl bloggers asked about our favorite bitches and although I am about to reveal myself as the biggest history dork you know, I'm going to throw her out there anyway!
Anne Boleyn. (Image to follow shortly, my computer seems angry with me today)
Why? Well, I kind of think she got a bad rap, I know she stole another man's wife but he was the King of England...the most powerful man in the KNOWN world, how was she supposed to say no??
That fact aside, she changed the course of history, religion, politics and female leadership. She aided in the reformation, bringing the Protestent religion to England and using her influence over the King to bring it to England. She was also no foriegner to using her sexuality, she knew what she had and she knew how to work it!
I think she was ambitious, sexy, strong, and extremely intelligent, she's my pick for bitch of the week because the awesome qualities she had (especially for a woman in the 16th century) are always over looked for her reputation as a slut, witch, and the second and sadly beheaded wife of Henry VIII!
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